Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sunday July 27, 2014

Delegation of the day: France

Today was a great sunny day! We started out with planning groups and our first activity was based off of people with differing abilities. In each group there was someone blind, with no arms, and Siamese (two people tied together). These groups competed in many different tasks such as drawing a picture, playing basketball, and playing soccer. each person faced different challenges which were talked about afterward. The second activity was our first cultural activity from Austria. They had us dress up as drag queens or kings and have a fashion show which related to the Eurovision winner Conchita Wurst and we had a debrief about differences in cultural norms. Our dinner was very different because we were all allowed to use our technology. This ended up being part of the USA cultural activity relating to technology nowadays. Everyone was able to see how technology has changed our lives and the types of interactions we have.


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