Thursday, August 7, 2014

Monday August 4, 2014

Delegations of the Day: The Netherlands and Brazil

This morning we started nice and easy. The kids performed very well on the open day, so as a reward they got to sleep in. After breakfast everybody brought their bed to the lullabies-room and we watched the movie 'Mean Girls'. After the movie we had lunch, followed by a very calm siƫsta. Activity 2 was the Dutch cultural activity. We did 2 Dutch energizers and watched a few clips on Dutch stereotypes and fun facts. After this we moved to the gym to play a Dutch version of dodgeball and 'steal the cone'. We had a lot of fun and a great workout in one! After that, the kids had shower time and enjoyed dinner. After this we did a role-playing game in which fairytales got a modern twist. It was so much fun! A very relaxed and easygoing day!


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